Any one can apply for any type of letter like Status of Northern Institute of open Schooling /Approvel etc. from the Northern Institute of open Schooling.
Individual / companies / organisations / agencies / Govt. departments / Embassies who would like to apply for the letter may have to following this procedure:
1. Write an application for apply (any type of letter) on simple paper, and also mention roll no, class , session in application (also attach self attested photo copies of your documents with application.
2. Send a Demand Draft of Rs. 2000/- ( non-refundable ) for each letter drawn in favour of :
” Northern Institute of open Schooling ” payable at New Delhi .
3. Add Rs. 100/- postal charges Extra in India and Rs. 1000/- for out side of India.
4. charges for Central / State Govt. departments and Embassies are same.
5. Normal period required for query / letter is 30 days.
6. Submit all documents in your study centre or examination centre. And also mail your all documents on mail id given in website contact us.